Our association has got 163 companies as members. The EGM (Estudio General de Medios) remains as our main activity, actually the EGM information is comming from different sources: EGM Multimedia (the cross media survey), EGM Radio, EGM Magazines, EGM Newspapers and EGM TV.
We also conduct others studies which cover a wide range of objectives, the more important one is AIMC Marcas (media-product survey). Since 1992, we carry out a continuous audit of the TNS TV meter operation.
Full name of the organisation:
Asociacion para la Investigacion de Medios de Comunicacion
Postal Address:
C/ Basílica, 19 - 8ºA - 28020 Madrid
Phone: +34 91 5701174
Name(s) and Function(s) of main contact-persons in the organisation: