Members list and location

i-jic members are located in Europe and North Africa.



Our association has got 163 companies as members. The EGM (Estudio General de Medios) remains as our main activity, actually the EGM information is comming from different sources: EGM Multimedia (the cross media survey), EGM Radio, EGM Magazines, EGM Newspapers and EGM TV.

We also conduct others studies which cover a wide range of objectives, the more important one is AIMC Marcas (media-product survey). Since 1992, we carry out a continuous audit of the TNS TV meter operation.

Full name of the organisation:
Asociacion para la Investigacion de Medios de Comunicacion

Postal Address:
C/ Basílica, 19 - 8ºA - 28020 Madrid

Phone: +34 91 5701174



Name(s) and Function(s) of main contact-persons in the organisation:
Miguel Angel FontanMiguel Angel Fontan
Director General
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