Brussels, Belgium

CIM is Belgium’s joint industry committee responsible for tv, radio, press, digital, out of home currencies, and cross media and target group studies. It is the oldest full multimedia JIC in Europe. To celebrate its 50th Anniversary, CIM treated itself with a visual makeover and a new site. It is clear, though, that a smart facelift will not be sufficient to last another 50 years, or even 10 years. That’s why CIM organized a series of 5 debates on the future of media, the communication sector and CIM itself.
All debates are posted and accessible on Mind you, they are in French and Dutch (subtitled) but the 2nd debate ‘Will metrics save the matrix ?’ starts with an interesting discussion between international experts on trends in media research. In English, with subtitles. You are more than welcome to assist to the discussions on our future!
With special thanks to Magnus Anshelm (MMS, Sweden), Jella Hoffmann (WEMF, Switserland), Olaf Lassalle (AGMA, Germany), Julien Rosanvallon (Médiamétrie, France), Justin Sampson (BARB, United Kingdom) and Johan Smit (PMA, The Netherlands).